83 research outputs found

    Hydro Pumped Storage Power Plants perspectives in SEERC Region

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    The paper is focusing to the hydro pumped storage power plants perspectives in SEERC region, investigating their present market position, that has clearly been jeopardized by low electricity market prices and small peak – off peak electricity market price differences. Lack of positive market signals could stop the development of new hydro pumped storage power plants projects in the region, and prevent the existing ones in achieving expected financial goals. Paper is analysing future power system operational needs in high renewable sources penetration environment, proposing a new perspectives for existing and new hydro pumped storage power plants in SEERC regio

    The Conjugated-Circuit Model: Application to Benzenoid Hydrocarbon Radicals

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    We have applied the conjugated-circuit model to benzenoid hydrocarbon radicals and predicted their aromatic stabilities. Our predictions are supported by alternative theoretical schemes such as the structure-resonance approach and by available experimental data. This work points to a considerable potential of the conjugated-circuit model for qualitative and quantitative discussion of thermodynamic stabilities of polycyclic conjugated radicals

    Protection of individuals before the Human rights committee and the European court of human rights

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    Интернационализацијом идеје људских права након Другог светског рата долази до доношења првих међународних уговора којима се појединцу гарантују одређена права и слободе. Паралелно са тим, на универзалном и регионалном нивоу, створени су и први међународни механизми и системи заштите гарантованих права и слобода. На универзалном нивоу, посебан положај и улогу, али и значај са становишта заштите појединца, имају тзв. „уговорна тела“, односно тела образована посебним универзалним међународним уговорима о људским правима. Такође, и регионалним међународним уговорима о људским правима установљена су одређена тела са задатком да надзиру примену тих уговора, односно да појединцу пруже заштиту гарантованих права и слобода. Када је реч о универзалном нивоу, најважније активности спроведене су у оквиру Уједињених Нација. Иако је иницијатива за доношење правно обавезујућег међународног уговора о заштити људских права настала непосредно након усвајања Универзалне декларације о људским правима, тек је 1966. године усвојен текст Међународног пакта о грађанским и политичким правима (у даљем тексту: ПГПП), који је ступио на снагу десет година касније, 1976. године. С друге стране, активност регионалних организација након Другог светског рата, посебно Савета Европе, убрзо је након оснивања ове организације резултирала усвајањем Европске конвенције за заштиту људских права и основних слобода (у даљем тексту: Европска конвенција).After the idea of human rights had gained international importance following the World War II, the first international treaties guaranteeing certain rights and freedoms to an individual were adopted. Parallel to this, the first mechanisms and systems of protection of guaranteed rights and freedoms were created at universal and regional levels. At the universal level, special position and role, as well as importance from the view point of protection of an individual, rests with so-called treaty bodies, namely with bodies formed according to specific universal international treaties on human rights. Also, regional international treaties on human rights established certain bodies aimed at supervision of application of the treaties concerned, namely to provide protection of guaranteed rights and freedoms for an individual. In respect of the universal level, the most important activities were carried out within the framework of the United Nations. Although the initiative to adopt a legally binding international treaty for protection of human rights was created immediately after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the text of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted only in 1966 (hereinafter referred to as: ICCPR), which entered into force 10 years later, in 1976. On the other hand, the activities of regional organisations after the World War II, in particular of the Council of Europe, soon after the establishment of this organization resulted in the adoption of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as: the Convention). Both the international treaties contain a comprehensive list of guaranteed rights and freedoms, as well as the mechanisms for their protection – the Human Rights Committee (hereinafter referred to as: the Committee) and the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as: the European Court), which evolved considerably by adoption of additional protocols

    The Conjugated-Circuit Model: Application to Benzenoid Hydrocarbon Radicals

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    We have applied the conjugated-circuit model to benzenoid hydrocarbon radicals and predicted their aromatic stabilities. Our predictions are supported by alternative theoretical schemes such as the structure-resonance approach and by available experimental data. This work points to a considerable potential of the conjugated-circuit model for qualitative and quantitative discussion of thermodynamic stabilities of polycyclic conjugated radicals

    The Conjugated-Circuits Model: On the Selection of the Parameters

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    Four sets of parameters that are used in the framework of the semi-empirical VB resonance-theoretic model named the conjugated-circuits model are cam pared. The basis of the comparisan was statistical analysis of the linear relationship between the REs obtained by the Dewar\u27s SCF Jr-MO model and the REs obtained by the conjugated-circuits model. All four sets of parameters lead to the linear relationships with similar statistical characteristics. Since the value of the R4 parameter is rather uncertain the three- parameter model is recommended to be used

    Hydro Pumped Storage Power Plants perspectives in SEERC Region

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    The paper is focusing to the hydro pumped storage power plants perspectives in SEERC region, investigating their present market position, that has clearly been jeopardized by low electricity market prices and small peak – off peak electricity market price differences. Lack of positive market signals could stop the development of new hydro pumped storage power plants projects in the region, and prevent the existing ones in achieving expected financial goals. Paper is analysing future power system operational needs in high renewable sources penetration environment, proposing a new perspectives for existing and new hydro pumped storage power plants in SEERC regio

    Veterinarski informacioni menadžment sistem (VIMS) u procesu prijavljivanja i menadžmenta zaraznih bolesti

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    A prerequisite to the development of an efficient animal health, food safety and traceability management system in the animal food production chain is the implementation of an integrated veterinary informational management system (VIMS) capable for the capture, storage, analysis and retrieval of data and providing the opportunity for the cumulative gathering of the knowledge and capability for its competent interpretation. Such a system will enable collecting appropriate data, including quality management and inspection controls, from all establishments and commodities in the 'from farm to fork' food production chain (farms, holdings, slaughterhouses, laboratories, traders etc.) in a structured, predefined format, and facilitate competent analyses and reporting of such data, as well as the improvement of the existing programs and strategies. The role of information system in animal disease diagnosis, surveillance and notification, control of national and international trade of commodities, food safety management, investigation of diseases, predictive microbiology and quantitative risk assessment is of great importance for the quality of veterinary service. Integral part of the VIMS is animal disease notification system designed according to and in compliance with international requirements, standards and recommendation and able to exchange relevant information with similar information systems. The aim of this contribution is to describe national animal disease notification system which is in place in Serbia as a part of VIMS.Preduslov za uspostavljanje efikasnog sistema menadžmenta zdravstvene zaštite životinja, bezbednosti hrane i sledljivosti u lancu proizvodnje hrane je uvođenje integrisanog veterinarskog informacionog menadžment sistema (VIMS) razvijenog na takav način da omogući prikupljanje, čuvanje, analizu i povlačenje podataka i obezbedi kumulativno skupljanje saznanja i njihovu stručnu interpretaciju. Takav sistem će omogućiti prikupljanje podataka, uključujući one iz upravljanja kvalitetom i u okviru inspekcijskih kontrola, od svih objekata u sistemu proizvodnje hrane 'od farme do viljuške' (farme, gazdinstva, klanice, laboratorije, lica koja se bave prometom i dr.) u strukturirano, unapred definisanom obliku, i obezbediti kompetentnu analizu takvih podataka kao i unapređenje postojećih programa i strategija. Uloga informacionih sistema u dijagnostici, nadzoru i prijavljivanju zaraznih bolesti, kontroli unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prometa, upravljanju bezbednošću hrane, istraživanju žarišta zaraznih bolesti, prediktivnoj mikrobiologiji i kvantitativnoj analizi rizika je od izuzetnog značaja za kvalitet veterinarske službe. Sastavni deo VIMS-a je sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti dizajniran prema i u saglasnosti sa međunarodnim zahtevima, standardima i preporukama i osposobljen da vrši razmenu određenih podatka sa sličnim informacionim sistemima. Cilj ovog rada je da se opiše nacionalni sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti koji je u Srbiji u primeni kao deo VIMS-a

    Ethanol intoxication treated by haemodialysis

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    Prikazan je tijek bolesti 68-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je u suicidalnoj namjeri popio 1,5 litara žestokog alkoholnog pića (570 mL etanola). Primljen je u komi III. stupnja, s koncentracijom etanola u serumu 5,09 g/L. Primijenjen je postupak ekstrakorporalne hemodijalize, tijekom kojega je postao kontaktibilan. Koncentracija etanola u serumu snizila se na 3,46 g/L nakon 2 sata, a nakon iduća 2 sata na 0,82 g/L. Klirens etanola iznosio je 260 mL/min. Bolesnik je otpušten kući četvrtog dana nakon prijema.The paper deals with the course of illness in a 68-year-old man who attempted to commit suicide by drinking 1.5 L of a concentrated alcoholic drink (570 ml of ethanol). He was admitted to hospital in a state of the III degree coma, with a serum ethanol concentration of 5.09 g/L. He was treated by the method of extracorporeal haemodialysis for four hours. At the end of two hours ethanol concentration in the serum decreased to 3.46 g/L and at the end of the treatment it was 0.82 g/L. The rate of ethanol clearance reached 260 ml/min. The patients was dismissed from hospital on the fourth day of admittance